Comments (59)
Everytime i look at screenshots, i get worried for Volt`s mental health while programming all of this. Also, Volt, you now there is Assid related lost media, right?
Cant wait for the game!
Bro I can't wait for this to be out, and Volt, if you do respond to this, do know that you're my inspiration for my FNaF fangame that is almost a full year in the making now. Can't wait to play this!

That's fire! You'r artstyle changed so much! In a positive way of course!
Due to the current economic recession and her criminal record, Evelyn Alvarado has a hard time finding employment. That is until she discovers Assid's Burgers and Pizzas, a famous restaurant chain known for using animatronic mascots to entertain customers. However, she gets a call from one of the very first night guards, who says that these machines are walking around and mauls any person they see during nighttime.
Do you have what it takes to deter these animatronics away from you?
One Week with Assid REMASTERED is a FNAF fangame made with Scratch. It's a remaster of the first installment in the franchise which will contain enhanced visuals/artwork, new mechanics to try and even more enemies to deal with!
@Gamemaster_64 - Coding help and the flashlight recharge sound
#fnaf #fangame #horror #scifi #survival #pointnclick #strategy #action #fnaffangame #fnaf
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed