
Song of the Stars (Scrapped Demo)

Version: 1.0.03 months ago
If Windows flags this as a Trojan, try the 32-bit version. This is a demo of "Song of the Stars" from before the game's concept was changed.

Song of the Stars (Scrapped Beta Build)

Version: 1.0.0about 2 months ago
If Windows flags this as a Trojan, try the 32-bit version. This is the final beta build of "Song of the Stars" and may contain bugs which won't be fixed.

What if, one day... it all disappeared. Everything you thought you knew, replaced with an empty white void. What would you do?

Warning: This game features tons of cute characters and heartfelt moments, presented in a simple visual style. If you're looking for violence, fancy graphics, or even a game over screen, you won't find any of those here.

Inspired by Changed, Furquest, OneShot, and UNDERTALE.

Brought to you by The Mavis & Co.

Credits To...

94br13l - Concept Artist, Sprite Artist, Tester

@Enzolos - Tester, Writer

Emurry - Sprite Artist

@Fanimator_Animations - Reviewer

@Joe98912 - Artist

@JustAnimates1210 - Tester

@mnwary - Writer

@PoPlayzGamejolt123 - Tester

@retr22800 - Tester

@ShiftySheepy - Writer

Soda B - Sprite Artist

@Teecup - Tester

@Thatguywholikesfood - Reviewer

@Turbulationn - Reviewer

@VnRacer - Tester, Writer

@xNoodlePlayz - Concept Artist, Tester

Note: Everyone listed here has also helped with game design!

Special Thanks To...

Alden, @BalgamliKedi , @Efe_Kaya , @Enzolos , fitzjolt, Ghostly, Kevin, @mnwary , @ShiftySheepy , @Thatguywholikesfood , @VnRacer , @ZaxentoTheGreedy

Thank you for sticking with me for so long. (And for the emotional support!)

#adventure #rpg #retro #scifi #puzzle


got those area 0 sprites done!!! its been fun, and just this small area has a lot going for it now, but we all have to leave home eventually.

work on last area 0 cutscene starts tomorrow!

Progress!! Home (area 0) has... let's say 1.5 of those 40x40 sprites done. Well, they turned out to be a bit more than that because they needed parallaxing layers.

Anyway! I can finish those tomorrow, and then all sprites for home area will be done.

Well, I've decided. I need an artist to help me out here.

The concept is right here - the game needs these completed to release the first demo! If you think you can do it, reply to this post.

There will be 12 tree variants, 6 common and 6 unique.

aaaaand the week of trees kicks off with one unfinished tree! may have underestimated how hard it is to draw one of these things, had to spend a lot of the day learning proper techniques. this will probably be more like the 2 weeks of trees xD

basis of redleaf forest tileset is done, and starting tomorrow the "WEEK OF TREES" begins! 2 redleaf forest tree sprites per day for 6 days, then 1 day to polish up any loose ends. i'll show off each one, as I do them!

Started working on Redleaf Forest tileset/design early, it'll be easier to make that cutscene if the place where it ends, exists XD

Its been touch and go so far, and may take a few days to nail it down. Spriting *natural* stuff is hard!

All thats left in area 0 is 3 40x40 sprites, ~10 sound effects and a single cutscene!

Not too much progress today but area 0's final puzzle sequence has a bit of progress on it now. Area is probably 90% done in terms of coding, with some sprites and SFX yet to be done as well.

Tons and tons of progress today! Several new interactions and scenes have been added to area 0. The final puzzle sequence for the area is mainly whats left to be done.


New OST released, "Crimson" (variant of redleaf forest)