Comments (22)
just my own opinion, but although you can download for free, sometimes when I see 'name your price' on the thumbnail, it puts me off looking at the game. I try not to and in this case I'm glad I didn't.
GAME IS FUCKING FANTASTIC i love it the only problem is that motion blur when running into the red luminated demon is to intense you can barly see any thing if that could be decreased a bit this would make it fantastic
Awesome game - loved it and the whole idea of it - finally got to level 2
Can i ask though, can it support Oculus Rift CV1 as i wanna play it in that soo bad :)
This has a really good setting and I like how the level creation works. I did a Let's play too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1mka_RMqZo
Hi buddy! I have to admit I liked your game a ton, I felt the time needed to create the graphic and the rest. I did a little LP, and I enjoyed it a lot, despite I couldn't make it to the second floor! (and I played it the day before you uploaded the update xD): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tfnnKYg37s
Quick Horrors
Quick Horrors Prototype
Quick Horrors is a first person evasion game with an aggressive monster that hunts you down in randomly generated dungeons. Compared to other survival horror games, the game is played at a faster pace.
If you like this game, have any suggestions on how to improve the game, or bug reports, please send them to me via [email protected].
If you like to support the development of this game and encourage me to continue development, please consider donating a buck or two via paypal to [email protected].
Controls: Mouse and Keyboard--------------------------------
WASD keys - move forward, left, down, and right
Mouse – look around.
Left Shift – hold shift key to run. The player can only run so far before she will get exhausted and need recover for a few seconds.
Space - Jump.
Controls: Xbox 360/One Controller--------------------------------
Left Stick - move forward, left, down, and right
Right Stick – look around.
X,Y,Left or right bumper – hold shift key to run. The player can only run so far before she will get exhausted and will need recover for a few seconds.
A or B - Jump.
Esc: Exit to Menu
Alt+F4: Quit Game
The goal of the game is to get to the exit of each floor. Currently there are 4 floors total. A monster is in constant pursuit so you must pay constant attention to your surroundings. . The game features some roguelike elements including permadeath and randomly generated environments.
Current Features:-----------------------------------
43 rooms with variations
One extremely pissed monster.
Normal mode and Permadeath mode.
Xbox360 controller support
*A faster paced survival horror experience, more that just a waking simulator. The game has an arcade feel to it.
Ver 0.4.0----
Polished up all 43 rooms, added new textures, plant models, and other props. Was a massive undertaking. See credits for the plant models.
Wrote a moody ambient piece for the game and added it to the soundtrack
Balance tweaks
Removed daggers
New menu screen. Combined the title screen and menu screen together.
Added permadeath
Added rotating logo
Ver 0.3.0--
Added 10 more rooms
Added Title Painting
Rewrote Enemy AI
Decreased the number levels from 7 to 4.
Ver 0.2.0--
Minor image fixes
Changes name from ‘Quick Horror’ to ‘Quick Horrors’
Added 10 more rooms
Ver 0.1.0 -
First release.
To do list:--------------------------------------------
VR support
More Traps.
More ways for the monsters to attack the player.
A better transition between floors
Online leaderboards for permadeath mode.
A better ending then just text.
A better menu.
A options menu to tweek control sensitivity
Tips (Spoilers)-----------------------------------------
Each floor is randomly generated but is rather liner, if you get disoriented make sure not to go up any stairway, that is the wrong direction. Also make note of the ‘wrong way’ signs in some rooms.
Conserve your stamina when running, if the monster attacks you when you’re exhausted, you will most likely die.
If you see red anywhere, that means that the monster is attacking you! Run! Run away from the monster, you can also attempt to run past her but it is tricky, especially on later floors when she becomes much faster and aggressive.
System Requirements :
OS: Windows XP SP2+, Mac OS X 10.8+, Ubuntu 12.04+, Android 2.1+ or higher
Graphics card: DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities; generally everything made since 2004 should work. If Android: ARMv7 (Cortex) CPU with NEON support or Atom CPU; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
At least 2gb of ram.
200mb of hdd space.
Sound Card with headphones is recommended
Terms of service and warranty.
This game is currently in a prototype state and this version of the game is free for anyone to play. This game has no warranty. Use at your own risk. If your turn into a goat while using this program; too bad, enjoy eating leaves. I don't know anything about that, as I'm not a goat.Baaa
Developed on the Unity3d game engine.
Created by Dean Scheppel
Artwork, Music, programming 3d models, environments, animation, programming, and other things too boring to mention : Dean Scheppel
Sound effects by: carmsie (voice of the monster),geoneo0, Klankbeld, gabrielaupf, qubodup, owlstorm, and nathanaelsams,visualpony,fasolt,davidyoku,everythingsounds- used with permission via CC A or CC 0 license
Extra props and assets: Bradley Heszelgraves,Thorsten Ames, xiaolian, Shapes, Manufactura, Ben Droste
Some textures came from Textures.com and used with accordance with their ToS (free to use for commercial and noncommercial purposes as long as I do not distribute the textures by themselves.)
Uses Temporal AA code under MIT licence. (c)2015 Playdead
QuickHorrors is TM and (c)2016 Dean Scheppel
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed