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Race Together: The elastic race!

Version: 8.0.0almost 12 years ago

Race together: The elasitc race!
made with GameMaker 8.0

Race together: The elasitc race! is a racing-game: A race against a red circle and a blue circle. But there is only one problem: They stuck eachother! And when there is also a green circle, the troubles are complete. You need to work togehter to get to ther end!

This game makes 2 rivals work together, else you won't get to the finish. In future there will be a timer; you need to cheat eachother at the veary last moment! Witch makes it a bit silly to play

Download version A4 (2.23 mb) With 3 player-mode and a menu:
Download version A3(2.23 mb) with powerups:
Download version A2(2.23 mb) with extra levels and controls: wasd en ijkl:
Download version A1(2.23 mb):

You can control red with the arrows/wasd(wasd isn't possible if you play with 3 players), you can control blue with the numpad/ijkl, and green with wasd.

Good ideas for future level: Say it!
Founded bugs or do you have other ideas: Say it!

There're coming 4-player modes, self-set controls, more levels and a better menu


  • There is one power-up witch is breaking the elastic, but this one will be gone in future versions

  • Anotherone is an arrow, wich will launch the other road, But you still stuck the othey.

  • The gray block takes some speed away.

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