Comments (2)
Interesting experience!
Random Chance of Percentage (ALPHA)
I was learning the chance of random in math and thought "Hey, this would make an interesting game...". And thus RCoP was born! Otherwise known as "Random Chance of Percentage". The idea is not "pick a number between 1-10", the idea is to build up anxiety as you see your score rise randomly and you hope you'll win. This is still in alpha so it is very limited graphics-wise and right now it IS only random based, but i hope to add other mechanics somehow, im still working it out. How it works is that when you start, both you and your enemy have a 50-50 chance of who will overturn. The computer then, based off of their percentages picks a random number. Then, say, you got 20%, and your enemy got 80%, what happens in the next roll is if the random number lands lower than 20%, then that means you are now given a new random percantage higher than 20%, but there is only a 20% chance that will happen, and there is an 80% chance that it wont grow larger than 20%. If the random number lands above 20%, that means you are given a new random number below 20%. You play through and once someone reaches 100% then they get 1 Overturn. Whoever gets 100 overturns first wins. There is also an "auto" button that is for more casual and maybe doing a quick bet with a friend on who will win. When you hit "auto" it goes through very fast, you can still see whats happening but it allows you to play the game faster without clicking the "roll" button more than 500 times.
open the ".zip" and run either the "RCoP.exe" thats in the root folder or run the "RCoP.exe" that is in the "data" folder. For mac users, this program MAY work using Wine, if not, please tell me as i am a Windows user.