Comments (1)
Hi! The game is not bad, it is a nice idea to try to maintain all the children the less agressive possible.
At some point the children stopped to move, and sometimes I click on the bullies and they don't change their expression, but I think it is a funny concept for a game.
From 10:15 to 10:45 every day, the playground fills with children. The unsung hero of those thirty minutes is the recess monitor: helping kids that need it and calming down kids that get a bit out of hand, the recess monitor keeps the peace. A good recess monitor is the ultimate ally, but on any playground, the kids are allies as well.
Can you help the children play nice for a full 30 minutes? Can you show them what it means to be an ally? Can you last through RECESS?
When recess starts, you'll see all the children playing together. Most of them will play happily, but there might be a couple of trouble-makers. Keep your eye out for children that don't look happy.
Clicking on them will give you a chance to cheer them up, hopefully making them less likely to cause trouble.
Clicking on other children will let you encourage them to be allies, standing up to bullies and keeping things safe for all of recess.
But be careful. If an aggressive child bumps into another child, both children could get more aggressive. And if those around them see what happens, they might get more aggressive too.
You'll need to keep a careful eye, and ensure that there are enough allies around to keep everyone calm and playing nicely.
If you can show everyone how to be an ally, you can be assured a smooth recess. But if everyone becomes aggressive, you know that recess will devolve into spitballs and swirlies.
Good luck!
RECESS is a game created for the ADL Game Jam Oct. 21st - Oct. 27th