
Comments (9)

What do you think?


could this be better optimized? my system cant run this

If there's one thing I learned about playing this game... it's that I'm the very last person to call as a detective. I enjoyed the game. Good luck in the Asylum Jam.

I played your game and i really enjoyed even tho i didn't get it at first :p (only after editing it ;) ) . Your game starts from 8:44, good luck for the jam :)

I couldnt figure out who it was, but it was an interesting game. I included it in a compilation video series of all of the Asylum Jam 2016 games, if you’d like to take a look! :)



Version: 0.2.0over 8 years ago

A horror game made for the #asylumjam2016

A readme is included with additional control details.

Known Bug

If you are caught by the murderer the game may have a bug that does not transition you to the end of game. This will get you stuck in the game. I'm working on a fix and will have a new release with the fix out by the end of day.

The Game

It's a fantastic party. The guests are all having a great time. Until something happens. Something terrible. Something red.

You're job is to identify and arrest the suspect. Careful though, because he's after all the guests. All the guests like you. Arrest the wrong suspect and you'll reveal your identity and sacrifice the life of everyone at the party. Don't be that guy. Show patience and courage. Most importantly of all: Never. Be. Alone.

The goal of Red was to stylistically turn horror on it's head. The game is driven by AI with each guest having unique preferences and needs. This AI drives the entire flow of the game and was a major focus during development. Since it was only made during 48 hours it's a little rough around the edges still and a lot of the dynamic interactions that were intended never made it into the game (turning TV's and lights on/off for example).

The Asylum Jam and World of Zero

This game was developed in 48 hours as part of the Asylum Jam. A large part of its development was live streamed on my YouTube Channel World of Zero and can be watched here. Unfortunately due to time restraints I could not film the entire development as was originally intended.

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed