Comments (32)
Awesome work but needs a higher difficulty skills I had to commit suicide after capping it
This is really fun! The art and sound is great too, the sprites and music and sound fx are all quite arcadesque while maintaining a unique style. The visual effects like the darkness overlay and screen shake, along with the great feel of the physics and ease of traversing the level, all add up to give it a nice polished feel.
Beauitful graphics, great game! I included it in part 24 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/6aWrmmhPWGY

Very cool game, loved the art and music! I'm not that good at it though.
I've also rated your game.
If you'd like to take a look at our game:
First place baby :D
Very fun game. Glad I played it. Make sure after the jam to put in some enemies that can get the player away from the wall though. Wall hugging is a bit OP at the moment. I admire teams that go for this Super CraterBox style simplicity. You certainly nailed the gamefeel. Moving and jumping feels great, and both shooting, and hitting and enemy feels even better. Good job.
Light is perception, and perception is the only thing that ties you to existence. Protect your inner light from the army of the darkess, if it turns off.. then.. then Game Over!
Music by Rolemusic http://rolemusic.sawsquarenoise.com/