
Comments (19)

What do you think?

Very cool game. The controls threw me off at first but then when I figured it out I was having fun. Good concept and nicely put together.

Check out my entry

Very nice. I love the feeling of swimming agains the current the game gives you. Kinda relaxing before things start trying to kill you. :D

Very challenging game indeed :D

cool game, i have made a video of it at if you want to check it out :)

I kind of want to not have to be all the way across the screen the whole time but I like the concept and the presentation a lot!


Trip Toes

Version: 1.1.0over 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Background Loop

My entry for #indiesvsgamers
NB: To play the webplayer version in chrome, type chrome://flags/#enable-npapi into the address bar, then click "enable"
The aim of the game is to go from one stepping stone to the next, without hitting the edges. With each stone you hit, the game speeds up a little, making the late game very difficult


  • Launch Triangle: Space/LeftClick

  • Rotate clockwise: D/→ arrow

  • Rotate anitclockwise: A/← arrow

  • Rotate triangle / navigate menus: Left Stick

  • Launch/Confirm menus: A


Fixes, Features and Publishing

Full release