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Gridlock Clash 0.1 (Name Subject to Change)

Version: 0.1.2over 5 years ago

A small, one-manned project WIP. Primary goal is to start and finish a project that can at minimum be qualified to be called a game (I fully expect the final product to be a solid "eh").

Inspired by MMBN battle action with more focus on basic attacks and ability, rather than "ability chips" selected in a paused chip selection interface.

Currently, graphics are bare minimum and only placeholder sprites to test code (My expertise is 96% software, 2% graphics, 2% audio).

Current Game Outline/Goals: Linear Rogue-Like set of battles of randomized enemies, with a boss after a set of stages. Shop that sells consumable items. Set of abilities to choose from after defeating each boss.

Fantasy Violence

6/24 - Need to continue postponing project until Friday due to schooling.

6/13 - Added Varying Enemy Attack Types, Added Player Ability (E key - Ranged Attack)

6/14 Goals - More items, exp/level up system, make abilities available through level ups.

6/11 - Schooling has kept me busy enough to allow me no time until this Friday to actually get any progress done. Never enough time for school and sleep

6/14 - Attack Object Adjustments, and 6/7 Goals. Under no circumstances will this deadline be missed.

6/5 - Big delays due to full time schooling, currently working on reworking attacks to consider multiple tile hit detection (AoE attacks) for an attack.

6/7 Goals (No Friday classes woohoo) - Player abilities, More Items, Enemy Attacks

6/1 - Released 0.1.1, Added a pause function with the ESC key. Buttons are explained in the pause screen (Realized I released 0.1.0 without explaining what keys do what).