
Comments (61)

What do you think?

I really like your game, I have an entire series on my channel of it and everyone loves it, it's really cool the amount of depth this game has, it leads to many tense duels which I absolutely love, and I was blown away when I found out a little bit on how the game works and how to play the game, and I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Game with Big Potential (very tense gameplay at first)
==== Watch raedwolfgamer's gameplay xd ====

  • Needs to be added to steam

  • Multiplayer

  • Custimizable revolvers (Decoration)

  • Bigger more map type campaign

  • More guns/revolvers that are fit for the game

  • Option to make the game's gore from (none/low/realistic)

  • Include something with the mafia or something xd

  • Ways to spend your money thrn just use it for score

  • More aspects to the game would make it more fun, such as challenging people or have a challenger who would try to cheat or something, just to make it more tense and interesting.

Surpsiningly good and well thought out. I covered it as part of my weekly Indie Freebies peice for Gaming Respawn:

MULTIPLAYER PLEASE! i NEED it! do it NOW! PLEASE!!! just a quick patch, or ANYTHING real quickly to give me it!

The game is pretty cool for what it is! I made a video on it so check it out: also, great music choice :D


Russian Roulette Tournament

Version: 1.3.0almost 8 years ago

Enter the underground, illegal russian roulette tournament.
Win as much money as you can by eliminating your opponents.
That's not going to be simple as you can't just rely on your luck here.
Tough opponents and poker-style gameplay will force you to use various strategies.
Success depends on your skills and decisions you will make.

This game is not about dumb pressing the trigger and hoping for luck.
That's not how it suppose to work. You may try it of course but if you do so,
don't be upset because you die 5 times per minute.
You need to be smart and patient here. Your primary objective is to survive.
Not to win every single turn at all costs.

1.3 Release notes:

  • New mode in place of survival.

  • Spinouts are less dangerous. Chances to survive first attempt increased from 83% to 97%

This is propably the last update. Higher quality sequel possible in near future.
Hopefully With all the features you asked for.

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Simulated Gambling
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