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Game Soundtrack

1 song

Pre-Alpha Main Menu Theme - The Seed and the Dagger

The Seed and the Dagger is a sidescrolling 2D asymettrical horror game where you play as anthropomorphic Remnants or terrifying Monsters.


Remnants are resistant to a poison known as the Siren Toxin, a great disease that has been scouring the earth for years now. Most inhabitants of the planet have died or been mutated by it, but these ones are survivors. Remnants must solve puzzles, complete objectives, and help each other in order to survive the challenges ahead of them. It will take all they have to get out alive. Of course, there are worse things than death out there...


Monsters have only one goal: slaughter. They were not killed by the Siren Toxin, but were instead transformed by it into something much worse than one could imagine. Their mutations have given them a plethora of abilities that strike fear into the hearts of those who cross them, and may the angels have mercy on the souls of the ones that do. Though seemingly unbeatable, they can be killed - but only through great sacrifice.


There are multiple gamemodes available in The Seed and the Dagger. Currently, only offline modes are planned to be available at launch, with online multiplayer planned for a future update afterwards.

In the CLASSIC gamemode, 1 Monster and 5 Remnants will enter a procedurally generated area in random locations determined by their distance apart from others. Remnants will complete objectives and solve puzzles in order to progress to the next section of the map, all the while avoiding the Monster's onslaught and helping their team survive.

Upon reaching the 3rd and final section of the map, any remaining Remnants will have to decide on whether to make a final push to escape, or attempt to kill the Monster - an option which is much more difficult, but far more rewarding.

Remnants win by having 3 or more of them survive by the end of the match or by killing the Monster. The Monster wins if the opposite takes effect.

There are many other modes that will be available to try in The Seed and the Dagger come its release, ensuring that play will never get stale as there will always be new experiences to have.


In The Seed and the Dagger's STORY mode, players will take on the role of Percy Akorn, an arrogant Remnant whose life was completely upset by the Siren Toxin Disaster. Throughout the course of the game, new Remnants will become playable as branching pathways and choices present themselves, leading to 3 different possible endings.

Will the origin of the Siren Toxin ever be uncovered?


The Seed and the Dagger features a detailed and rewarding progression system that will unlock new abilities and buffs for certain characters. Each upgrade will be accompanied by an equal downgrade, keeping a balance throughout the game so that nothing is ever too easy and that each choice made is by player preference and not some "meta" tom-foolery.

Characters can be Leveled up quickly during matches, unlocking Knowledge Points that can be used to purchase Traits and Attributes to give the player a boost in their preferred playstyle at the cost of a nerf that may end up harming them should they not be vigilant in the future.

When Leveled high enough, characters may be Prestiged in order to unlock Prestige Points that are utilized in the Prestige Shop to unlock valuable items, Traits, Mods, Weapons, and other do-dads that have extreme upsides and sometimes equally extreme downsides. Knowledge and Prestige Points can also be used to purchase in-game extras such as concept art, cosmetic effects, hints, lore, and secret minigames.

Keep in mind that both Knowledge Points and Prestige Points are only earnable by playing the game. The Seed and the Dagger will never feature microtransactions or paid DLC. No "pay to win" tactics will EVER be enforced in this game, as the creators are extremely against such nonsense.


The Seed and the Dagger is on its way, and we can't wait to show you more as time goes on. Here's to a speedy development, and we hope you enjoy the final product!

#puzzle #horror #other #action #adventure #rpg #scifi #survival

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Crass Humor


Sprite Work Has Already Begun on The Seed and the Dagger!