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Silent Hill:A Girls Journey Through Hell

Version: 0.1.0almost 9 years ago
It's an Alpha,not a demo anymore. Don't worry,i'll fix all the problems very soon.

Real Demo

Version: 0.0.1almost 9 years ago
I fixed all the problems,and added another scene in the game,so you get more content than before! YAY!

A little horror Visual novel i've been working my ass off. It has original monsters. Characters that you've may have seen in movies,books,or otherwise. Music from the Silent hill Games,and also music from FINN who was making music for Silent Ponyville, and an Original story.

Intense Realistic Violence
Sexual Violence
Strong Language
Crass Humor

Cancelled, for now.

Back to making the Game, finally!

So, yeah long time no see. Iā€™m getting back to making the game after all this time,and I have no idea when it will get released, and I would like to thank you all for sticking with me.

Sorry for the lack of updates.

Official Demo

I will have the full game in a few months.

Or maybe a lot of months. Iā€™m not sure.