
Comments (6)

What do you think?

when I press play it doesnt work I logged in

I cant play it

Game Soundtrack

1 song

horrorlovania (DELUXE!!1!!1!)

READ DTHIS!11!!1! (10/23)

This game is NOT for the average player, and requires puzzle-solving skills, ciphers (such as caeser, vigenere and hex) and a few other skills. If you are struggling with being able to enter the game, maybe look into the comments for help. The main game does not support any other languages than English.

(and it definitely does not support mobile devices like android)

dis is a gamejolt port of my frend sonicfan2106x's SOBRIS:HM and SOBRIS:EHM games/projecs on scratch, with a minor additions like the gamejolt API, visual effects for horror and more!! added and compiled using turbowarp!!

sf2106x gave me permission to reupload any of his scratch games 2 different sites, as long as they are publicly available or versions of shared games and not unshared projects, and am doin so 2 spread awareness of this games presence and mayb help build a community :P i also contribute 2 sf2106x's recent games by bein a graphic designer and also designr

alsoo trophiz cant be achieved yet ;-; am tryin 2 learn how 2 code without sf2106x's help and put them into the gaem, but they will be eventually

Movement Controls - W/A/S/D | Use Attacks/Moves - Keys 1 to 9

Permanently Delete Record - X | Aim attacks with your cursor

All of these keys can be changed in settings!





"A copy of SOBRIS:A2 (ALPHA 2) that I discovered recently, which I believe is an impossible remake of the game entirely. There are only 5 bosses, good luck."

PERSONAL BOSS DIFFICULTY LIST (using the roblox difficulty chart?)

NIGHTMARE: Mid Remorseless | LAP 2: Peak Remorseless

HORROR: Low-Mid Insane | LAP 2: Peak Insane

HM DUST: High Insane | LAP 2: Mid-High Extreme

KILLER: Peak Remorseless | PHASE 2: Base Extreme | LAP 2: High Extreme

???: Low Extreme


OVERALL: High Insane

#undertale #soulops #bossrush

Expecting something? dGhlcmUgaXNudA=

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

seems lik ethis finally stopped gainin atention :P

im giving out the april fools build 2 ppl who have the 1st trophy for now, though the requirements for it might increase as time goes on (april fools build can award you "confrontation" trophy early)

NEW sobris:hm v1.173 is OUT!!1!

(im soryr if im bad at coding ;/


nvmm tomorrow ill releaz update cuz sf actually released new projects

anothr fact: the first lap 2 (which was nightmare in like v1.0X when i played sobris:hm) was near impossible, somewher at extreme to catastrophic diff..

okk um update has been delayed for a smalll bit

(mayb releasing tomorrow)

random fact: you can hpstack with little sans (confirmed by sf himself) which is very helpful 4 endgame bosses (max of 125 hp)

sonicfan forgot to fix ONE single bug while finishing v1.17 4 sobris:hm, so am going to replace th version once i add more gamejolt api related stuffz an when he tells me that its fixed

umm heres what sf's debug menu looks lik btw

G makes u invincible

U unlockz all chars and secrets i think

R has 4 diff tiers, 0 is no passive regen and 1-4 is regen but increasingly faster rate

T lets you go 2 any boss with any char

I is obvious...


>fixed moar bugz related wit hda gamejolt screen, and stuff like it not appearing for some cases (idk what they were), now updated to SOBRIS:HM v1.172

>fixed username-only stuff!!

im so proud of mysefl 4 makin so muc progress...

also you will only be able 2 obtain trophies on HM versions, not EHM, sorry ;/

YAYY i finally managed to add it (all i did was copy and paste sum code, but ist was stil hard 4 me to understand)

expect sum bugs to be in dis updat (v1.171), but now you can log in with gamejolt AND obtain the first trophy if ur logged in

new trophy icon for quest conquerer :)