Comments (160)
it would be amazing if you added indoor venues, like stadiums or theatres
This is liek a Dream Game true for me i always wanted to have this kind of game and you gave me it thank you soo much!
It would be so fun if it was multiplayer
Could you make this game available for Mac OS?
Stage Simulator
Stage Simulator Full Version 1.2.3
Experience the world of modern DJ Stages on a new level. Import your own music, videos and images and get creative creating your own light shows and visuals to it with countless features including a big variety of moving heads, smoke, flames, blinders, video screens, pyrotechnics, lasers and more. Create big shows at daytime, evening or at night with a complete adjustable crowd. Dive into the role of a DJ, a stage operator or simply an audience member.
Make your biggest dreams come true and party all day and all night.
The stage is yours at Stage Simulator!
How to import music, videos or images
Once opening the game it will create three folders: Music, Videos and Images.
To find them go to: C:\Users\ {USER}\Documents\StageSimulator
Drop your files in the depending folders and restart Stage Simulator.
If the folders are not there you can manually create them but name them exactly as written above.
These file types are confirmed to work with Stage Simulator:
Music: mp3, wav
Videos: mp4, wmv
Images: png, jpeg
Specs (minimum)
Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Processor: 2 GHz or better
Graphics: 512 MB
RAM: 4 GB of RAM or more
Free Disk Space: 3 GB
To get the full game experience on the highest settings you need a fairly decent PC.
Timeline of Stage Simulator
15th June 2017 - Development started
17th June 2017 - First build released
31st July 2017 - Pentum Update
3rd March 2018 - Specta Update
20th November 2018 - Nordic Update
31st March 2019 - 1.0 Update
12nd August 2019 - Rockburn Update
None of these stages or stage names are actually existing in real life!
They are just inspirations of existing stages.
The game development is finished. That means we will only release patches with small additions, improvements or fixes.
Tags: #stage #simulator #dj #music #sound #light #show #fire #smoke