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Stock market, a c++ passtime

Version: 1.1.0over 8 years ago

This is a c++ text arcade game, see how long you can survive the stock market.


-Type "buy" to buy stocks, type the numbers 1, 2, or 3 for the stock that you want to buy, then type "end" to enter the next round.

-Type "sell" to sell the stocks, type the numbers 1, 2 or 3 to pick the type of stock you want to sell off, type "end" to enter the next round.

-Each round you have to buy, sell or do nothing to move on to the next round. You can't buy AND sell in the same round

-The number in () next to the stock price is the average money gained or lost by selling at that price

Simulated Gambling

Stock market c++ arcade game is go, good luck

This is a game about the stock market, every ten rounds you the amount of money you lose per round goes up by 10$, your goal is to get though as many rounds without going into the red.

First Update