
Comments (34)

What do you think?

was anyone harmed while making this game?

I seem to keep finding these projects just at the right time. I remember stumbeling across Simulacrum when it had just 30 Followers. I really hope this gains just as much popularity. All the best and keep up the great work!

I do love the potent amounts of dedication and Silent Hill vibes this gives off, can't wait to see more


@Hades714 I know you'll probably decline, but I need help. I'm just hoping you will because I watched some of the walkthrough and noticed you just giving away very non-obvious things.

I'm stuck in the labyrinth, it's not that I can't escape it, it's that I am running in circles looking for the Manager's room and I've been stuck for so long now.

I've found every other room, even the ones with tons of items there just for dealing with the Minotaur . I haven't played on easy or normal action, but I'm guessing the Minotaur just respawns infinitely on specifically hard. It's making my healing items drop too much. My ammo has gone from 115 to 60. Two hits and you're a one hit from anything when the Minotaur damages you.

Besides asking for help, the game is really good... LIKE ACTUALLY SO GOOD. Whenever I see Youtube comments saying, "Please [Youtuber], try my game out". I usually laugh on the inside. But if you posted this for a Youtuber to play, I would be so down to watch it.

Even though there is no actual story; it's just random people who run the place or live there talking about how bad the management is and how horrible the noises are behind the walls. Not much is really conclusive.

It doesn't need that, at least for the demo. I'm just glad I feel like a normal guy handling a gun again when playing a horror game.

Thanks for making the game, you've clearly put a lot of work into it, especially with the customization, I just cheese it now, I started playing with all the effects on, practically making me blind as a bat, but got bored of it when I've been stuck for the longest time now.

One last thing, maybe I missed the shotgun, I have the ammo but don't have the weapon, did I miss it or am I supposed to do something else to obtain it?

Really really underrated game! Just finished the demo a few days ago and I found it really amazing, incredible work you're doing here! I really want to know more about it! :)



Version: 0.1.7over 3 years ago

You find yourself in your motel room, but nothing seems right. The walls, the floors, everything is falling apart. You must do what you can to survive and reach the exit.

TERMINUS is a PSX-styled survival horror game in the veins of classic titles such as Silent Hill, developed by Hades and adc.

This project started out as a fan project because I really liked Silent Hill and wanted to test out the waters with Unity and Crocotile.

This was made for a friend that is no longer around. I put a lot of time, effort and sleepless nights into this demo; took a few years. This project is more of a programming experiment because I got to program something I never tried before: Multi-language support, dynamic camera, saving system as well as being a fully functional PSX game. I decided to not let this go to waste and release it for people to play. It's not much, but it's something I'm proud of. This was a fun learning experience, and I plan on making a full game out of this some day.

DISCLAIMER: This game was originally designed for Windows, but we have included Mac and Linux ports for availability. There may be issues but we might not be able to fix most of them due to not having a Mac or a Linux for testing.

Special thanks to Crocotile3D:

#retro #horror #survival #psx #adventure

Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Sexual Themes
Mild Language

v0.1.7 - Patch + small update

Transmute, hard mode guide and plans for the future.

v0.1.5 - Update

v0.1.4 - Update

v0.1.3 - Update, thank you and BREAKING CHANGE