
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Well I was pleased to give this a play, in its early stages but I can see this will become a pretty big game, found some strange issues here and there but I look forward to the full version. 5/5.

YouTuber: Fellowplayer




Version: 0.2.1about 7 years ago

Terrafarming Mac V0.1

Version: 0.1.0almost 7 years ago

Terrafarming Linux V0.1

Version: 0.1.1almost 7 years ago

Edit new version : 07/14/2018

A brand new version is out for the14th of July!

You have now a big fireworks of colorful plants to change the bright and dark side of the moon (with 21 news plants to grow)!


Grow your garden in 3 different biome and use the traits of the new plants.

Air types will provide what you need to unlock new fertile area


Water types are really convenient because they will automatically water their surroundings


Light types make the other plants grow faster


You like the concept and want help us to improve it the way you want then give us your thoughts ;)

That's the big day!

The moment has come Pipon!
You've passed all Intergalactic Plant Defense Force exams at the Academy and you are affected to the moon to ensure the great Terraforming.


Help Captain Zen in his mission

You are quite young Pipon but I can already see great potential in you !
And don't worry I'm here to help you too. I might be retired but I can still train you to become the best agent of the galaxy.

First extract moon ore.


Then transform it to sparks of life !

And turn it to actual living seeds !


Finally, start growing !


And if you're lost, ask for help buddy !


Last but not least dab like a maniac! Buddy!


And then what's IPDF's plan ?

This time we didn't want to do a punitive hard game and even if we all love dark soul it's good to have a peaceful relaxing game once for a while.

We already added :

1.A collection of alien plants

features like :

1.Many more plant variety
2.Exploration & places to unlock (with different color themes)
3.Rare & even legendary plants to earn
4.Cool NPC asking for quests
5.More Whiskers!
6.Many more features asked by the fans

And of course a space unicorn to ride (not the gundam one... or maybe... hum...)


After the mission send feedback to ground control ;)

Bonus point : give us your thoughts about the game concept. It helps us to improve our skills and the games we make.

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The team behind the screens

The full time dedicated team

(except when we are doing LOL "team building")

Special Task Force

Special Thanks

  • Salticidae (Guild master of "The Pro-tester")

  • Chiffon (Best Paparazzi hired guy)

  • Fatima (Hope giver)

And also : Valentin H, Biya, Shin, Viviajera, Pipon,

And if you still want to know more about Terrafarming, just ask us ;)



Terrafarming - Terraform the Moon with Captain Pipon!