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True Human Tribulation: Errand Run - Beta

Version: 0.1.311 months ago

Monsters and hostile entities have appeared to reek havoc all over the city. In response to this, the military puts the entire city on lockdown to clean out the threat. The clean up operation was doing alright until the ensuing panic combined with the growing forces of the monsters caused the military to make a hasty retreat.

The surviving civilians have managed to bunker up in many places around town. Due to their distaste towards the military for practically abandoning them, they refused to allow anyone who's remotely associated with the military into their settlements.​  

Usually, the fate of most military soldiers who were left behind would be... death. Either to the monsters, or something much worse. ​But you're still alive.

Against all odds, you managed to break a deal with the city's civilians. In exchange of accepting you into one of their settlements, you've have to complete a number of tasks that will help in turning this city into less of a wasteland. Theses tasks can vary from retrieving important supplies to killing a dangerous entity.

Even though the abundance of monsters in the city has been steadily decreasing ever since the initial incident , this won't be easy. You're only human after all, and you're not willing to give that up.  The will can never surpass the flesh. That is an undeniable truth, but you must push yourself to the limit and try nonetheless!

Errand Run is a free action adventure game where you complete objectives to win! You start with flintlock musket with a slow reload time, but as you go on, you may come across tools and allies that may help you.

This game is currently in the beta stages, and it is quite flawed as it is the furthest I've ever got working on game. If you have any feedback, problems, or suggestions about the game, please don't hesitate to let me know by leaving a comment.

If you want to know the history and progress of the game you can check out the devlog posts. I also uploaded a series of videos on the game's progress if you want to check it out. 



Itch io:

#adventure #action #retro #survival

Fantasy Violence

Progress Report - December 17th, 2023

I've implemented pathfinding, a new enemy, and familiars. For more info, you can check out the devlog:…

Progress Report - November 12th, 2023

I've implement screen effects, pre-game splashes, and reworked enemy ai.

Go here for more info:…

Progress Report - October 26th, 2023

I've expanded the map, added sub-weapons, and gave the player new animations and sprinting.

Go here for more info:…

Progress Report - September 26th, 2023

I've added Crates, Keys, and Gates to the game.

Go here for more info.…


Progress Report - September 4th, 2023

Revamped title screen and implemented reset functionality.

For more info, check out this post:…