Comments (55)
your engine got added to d7 list :D
I love the intro :)
really good looking, love all of the dynamic fluid motion.
This game really deserves more likes.
WS = direction of camera
A/D = sideways
SHIFT = down
SPACE = up
X = close window
Mouse cursor to look around, I've locked the rotation at 90/-90° to make it less confusing
V1 and V2:
WASD to walk
SPACE to jump
SHIFT to run
V to Zoom
E/Q to lean [only in V1]
Mouse to look around
RMB to aim [only in V1]
It isn't a game, it's based on this (though modified) tutorial series
Thanks @TheGreenFlash for this fantastic tutorial series!
I didn't make the rifle, it was just meant to be temporary. Here's the link. Thanks @BobzGames #shooter
NEW UPDATE!!! A fully working SKYBOX with moving SUN and LENSEFLARE!!!! (playable in browser) :D
New UPDATE! (playable in Browser) :D
I added Line-Rendering and I am using it to render a simple ground.
Sooo, I restarted my 3d engine from scratch ... again... (playable in browser)
I've been working on some sprite stacking code for my 3d engine. The textures are placeholder, the code works really well though. I hope this can help people.