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VIN: Virtual Intelligence Network DEMO

Version: 0.2.0over 7 years ago

VIN: Virtual Intelligence Network is an #action #arcade #roguelite top-down #shooter game with tanks, explosions, lots of upgrades, a lot of bosses, a story that gets unveiled more and more each time you beat the game or blow up trying, and randomly-generated levels, featuring DOS-like #retro graphics and soundtrack, available for #windows computers.


Blow up enemies, find keys, grab stars for cash, and grab fuel to keep yourself alive, and find an exit or two on every floor. Sounds simple, right? Well, simple isn't the same thing as easy: Your fuel supply goes down whenever you move and whenever you take damage. Bosses will impede your progress every 10 levels. New types of enemies begin to appear. Old enemies get fiercer.

You will be fighting for your remote-controlled tank's survival the entire time.

And should you run out of fuel, and should your tank blow up? You'll be starting back from level 1. But fear not! The money you collect on your journey will be maintained, so you can purchase upgrades that suit your play-style and make the game easier the next time through. This brings us nicely over to...


The game features several upgrades you can purchase after winning or losing the game to make future runs through the game easier. These upgrades can be purchased to improve your strong-points or to cover up your weak points.

Want an easier time aiming? Increase the speed of your bullets with the Bullet Speed upgrade! Having difficulties with heavily-armored foes? Purchase the fire rate upgrade to destroy everything faster, or purchase bombs to deal with those extra-stubborn turrets and bosses with ease!

Having a hard time dodging all those bullets? Make your hitbox smaller with the Phase array upgrade, or decrease the damage you take with Super Armor! Always running out of fuel right before the exit of a room? Fuel upgrades let you continue without worry!


The story in the game is told through a series of logs. Each time your tank blows up by running out of fuel, and every time you somehow, miraculously, beat the game (or much more easily beat the demo), you'll unlock a new log. Unlock every log in the full game for a surprise!

Currently, a free demo for the game is available. The full game will either be pay-what-you-want or available for an as-of-yet-undecided price.

Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

This project is not dead, nor are my others. However, an unexpected occurrence meant another project has taken, and continues to take, precedence. Hence the unannounced and continuing hiatus.

More details to come in the future!

A few things

Boss 8 is now done

Protip: Don't get cornered by flames

I get that you're excited I improved your sprite, turrets, but you really don't have to shoot me in the face one bajillion thousand times to show it...