Comments (2)
We need some action here :) Bullets should move a bit faster ( or more than a bit ). Whole gameplay seems a bit static for sure you need to work on it more. Like changing, speeding up player movement, maybe add inertia ? Enemies also should move dynamicly.
Keep a work on it :)
Nice concept but work on your enemies
Warship 3000
Warship 3000
Miss Galaga or Space Invaders? Try Warship3000, a new Java space shooter.
Space BarFire
Arrow keys Will Stop movement if you are moving or start moving in the direction pressed if you are moving
D Space Dock where you can repair and purchase upgrades
Green barYour ship's hull strength. If it runs out, you're dead.
Red barsEnemy ship's hull strength.
Credits Money earned toward upgrades
Cartoon Violence