Five Nights at F**kboys: Ennard's Valiant Expedition

11 months ago

A BIG QOL fix for the game!

hi! I have uploaded a new patch that fixes an issue quite a few people had, which was the fact that if a party member left you, you'd permanently lose all their trinkets, equips, chips, etc. This patch FIXES that so when they leave the party, you get all their stuff back. No longer do you need to worry about losing your gear due to story progression. Honestly I should've done this before release, but better late than never.

There are some exceptions to this, like Gridchouli and Bonnet rejoining the party later on and me believing it's not to your benefit to unequip their stuff, but oh well. But most of them, like Gordon and Lolbit, you get all their stuff back once they're gone for good.

This patch ALSO features some significant buffs for many equipments and even some passives that were quite weak! And some skill changes/rebalancing!

It is probably pretty vital to download this, so do get it if you are already in the middle of a playthrough and no longer want to worry about losing your gear, and also some pretty nice buffs for underused equipment!




Next up

A small teaser for something that may or may not become real

New Information and screenshots!

hi! it's been awhile, huh?

Cooking something cool

Crafting Update formally announced!

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

Something people will eventually notice...

hi again :) wtf it's almost been a month already wth

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

woah. has it really been 6 months????

Update for the curious people and thanks for your patience!