Five Nights at F**kboys: Ennard's Valiant Expedition

2 years ago

woah. has it really been 6 months????

Update for the curious people and thanks for your patience!

hi =)

me and @AxelLino126 want to thank you for your patience. We have been steadily working on making this game the best it can be, so I'm here to give some big news for everyone curious and for those who are eager to hear and see some new content.

First off, some new screenshots that are all primarily from the Bad ending route of the game. This has gotten a ton of progress lately and I can safely say that the bad ending route is nearing completion.

Secondly, I've taken the liberty of doing an overhaul to a lot of characters, items, equipment, and enemy changes to make the game a little more difficult in the mid-game because WOW Ennard and co. could get really overpowered.

Here are changes that have ALREADY been implemented and below will be a list of changes that will be put in the future before the game release.

Skill Changes:

Ennard's skillset received some overhauls, mostly making certain skills like Overcharge and Sapping Strike more useful.

Lolbit's skillset: Remained mostly the same outside of some balancing and buffing one that was weak.

Bonnet' skillset: Received a huge rework. A lot of her skills were just plain bad, so they've received a big glowup and she should be a lot more useful.

Gridchouli's skillset: She now has access to all element types in her base skills. [Outside of Ice which she can get from an optional boss that's hard to miss.] And some skills like Bubble Force have been buffed.

New Content:

New Character sprites and battle hud faces for certain characters.

Several new party members at various parts of the game have been added.

New States

Freddy has received a second part to his Scenario and the first portion received extra content and an optional, smaller sidestory to accompany it.

New alternate armors, weapons, trinkets, items and skillchips have been added. A lot of these are from enemy drops as well, so there's more incentive to fighting random encounters.

Battle transition woooooah

Quick Time Events

"Tutorial" battle and an item that better explains all the different states

Reworked intro since sitting in a 5 minute exposition was lame

Balance changes like Bombs being nerfed, buff/debuff modifiers being changed, and added one more boss to the Fazgames.

New content added to Night 4, with the inclusion of a small town that has more free time events and items to obtain.

Choices spread throughout the game that effects your morality meter earlier.

Cool title screen animations

New optional dungeon in Night 3

Night 1 has received two new additional bosses and a rework to the cold camera to make it significantly harder without a certain item equipped, to teach the importance of resistances

Sanity effects exclusive to the dark route.

Etc. Etc.

A LOT'S been added to the game! There is a lot to look forward to. And now for what everyone wants to know.

"M-Mr. Ashton101010101 when will the game release?!?!?!?!!??"

shhh. silence.

The goal for EVE completion is sometime this year.

I am not going to make promises, however the current goal is to get the game finished this year, playtest and bugtest it as normal. With the bad route on the verge of completion somewhat soon, all that's left is to finish the good route, finish adding in all the new content planned, and then get ready for the big release.

The next time you see a devlog for this game, will likely be when the entire game is nearly done and is in the final phases. I want to thank you for your patience, as we've been working on this game for literal years now. Axel and I ask that you remain patient with us until you can play the game for yourself. Thank you and see you soon!

There will be a couple new things in the media portion of the game page since I can't fit everything here.



Next up

It's **alive!**

hi! it's been awhile, huh?

A small teaser for something that may or may not become real

Cooking something cool

hi! surprise """new""" game!

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

the eve comic #1

New Information and screenshots!

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

hi again :) wtf it's almost been a month already wth