Five Nights at F**kboys: Ennard's Valiant Expedition

3 years ago

New Information and screenshots!

Hi people! I'm here to give some information on what exactly @AxelLino126 and I have been working on the past few months. And I've got some more screenshots to share, this time from the Good Ending route.

First off, let me go ahead and start with some internal changes that alter how the game will work from the current version already available on Gamejolt:

Gameplay Changes:

Bomb items were way too powerful considering their cost and how early you can get them. They had an extremely high chance of applying crippling state debuffs to enemies. Instead of moving them to further in the game where their usefulness already sort of diminishes, their chance to apply status conditions were dropped significantly, but the prices remain the same. They can still be really strong in theory... but not quite as brain dead spammy as they used to be.

Route Choices:

It felt a little weird that most of the game route choices were all in a single dungeon, at the end of the Varius City segment. Choices will be a lot more spread out through the entire course of the game instead of all at once. For those who already completed the current demo, this won't change what ending you get, but for those that are waiting for the game to be complete, you have a lot to look forward to.

State reworks:

Burn was basically a better poison since it also cut enemy Attack in half. The secondary effect of burn was way too strong, so instead the attack nerf was cut to 20%. Poison has received a buff, it still lowers HP by the same amount as before, but it now decreases enemy defense.

Blind was just plain annoying to fight against. Nobody likes missing a million times and it can sort of hinder boss balance by making them miss a lot. Blind's been nerfed so that accuracy is only decreased by 20% instead of 50%. It's still enough that it can hamper multi-hit moves but not missing 10 attacks in a row sort of deal.

Break Skills:

Break skills were really strong, especially Physical break. They now cost TP to use and have a 10 turn cooldown.

Some trinkets were reworked as they were way too strong.

New Additions:

Besides working on Night 5, I plan to add even more content to previous nights. First things first, the Makidonalds "quest" will finally be complete.

-Added a new Light & Dark section to Varius City. You will get to choose which one you go for. Each portion has its' upsides and downsides and will conversely effect your Morality Meter. (A hidden value which determines which ending route you get.)

-Added several new bosses to the Fazgames, and a new boss after Sephiroth.

-Readjusted Boss stats in the Fazgames to either be slightly more easy or more difficult.

-Added new Bomb types; Light and Dark Bombs.

-Remade Title Screen

-New Gridchouli sprite because the old one was kinda stinky

-A few skill reworks, Bonnet now gets access to more TP skills since she had next to none, originally.

-Rework to Gridchouli's skills, mostly they just deal more damage.

-Adding more Skillchips

-A couple internal bug fixes that were present in the current GJ build

-Expanded Volcano, added a new optional dungeon in the Swamp area. Each elemental area received an increase in length and a new boss, along with new skills to be obtained!

-Added a few more Freetime events in the City

-And obviously, began work on both the good and bad ending routes which already have quite a bit done on them. It will still be awhile until we finish.... at this point, I am unsure if we will get the game done sometime this year but keep your eyes peeled for more info. We are still working dilligently on this, but I can safely say the game's pretty close to breaching the 30 hour mark.

...That's about all I can think of at the moment. Stay tuned for more!




Next up

Something people will eventually notice...

hi! it's been awhile, huh?

Crafting Update formally announced!

woah. has it really been 6 months????

Update for the curious people and thanks for your patience!

hi again :) wtf it's almost been a month already wth

hi! surprise """new""" game!

the eve comic #1

It's **alive!**

A small teaser for something that may or may not become real

A BIG QOL fix for the game!