Undertale Yellow: Done Justice

3 months ago

A temporary tile layout I did before sorting out a tileset for this room

The original room was a 318x596 background rather than made with 20x20 tiles, despite mostly being made with them. I made this to figure out where tiles would be and what is needed.



Next up

Sorry for the lack of Devlogs. Was pretty busy (And sleep problems. Still do.) WoP is cancelled so I have more time to commit to this project. I condensed this room from UTY today. It's 3.77 seconds faster to walk now. As fast as running in UTY.

Condensed some more rooms in size and cut room_darkruins_02 outright for the crime of being a straight line with nothing in it. 8.88 additional seconds of travel time have been saved, plus not needing to move the y camera in room_darkruins_06.

A discussion I had with CoffeeWaves about the Neutral Asgore Cutscene and UTY Artbook resulted in motivation to work on that part of the game. As consequence, I started work on Martlet's sprites so she doesn't look strange in the same room as the king.

Looks like what previously seemed to be a dead-end didn't stop that progress. Can't really center the HP bar without billboard mode weirdness, or making the HP bar scale decrease from the center rather than the right. Might need to look up a tutorial.

Worked on the Corn Maze and Flowey Dialogues today. A notable change here is that the Pebbles Room Entrance is inside the maze itself. I expect to have this maze done tomorrow with interactables and clutter. (Oh... How I loathe clutter...)

Got this funny bug while playtesting lol

My insomnia was so strong that I got this room done too for another timesave of roughly 2.88 seconds (and cut another lame long hallway room for 7.11 seconds) Also worked a bit on the first Dalv Cutscene. Camera Pan and Dalv Yapping mainly.

Made progress on the Flowey Intro today!

Lil bro fell into the Undertale Yellow

Fixed audio problems in prior videos by updating Gamemaker Studio 1 to 1.4.999, turns out it had a steam beta I could have used this whole time! Flowey now does a little bit of trolling if you're too chatty. Dalv? Oh yeah I finished his cutscene too.