"December 2022 was the time when I was completely burnt out; it was harder than ever to bring myself to work on Undertale MULTIPLAYER. I always knew this day would come; I just never knew when. Around that time, I decided to take a break from any social media-related stuff to take my time and think about what my next move should be.
In January 2023, I decided I needed a longer break from UTMP. It's not really healthy to work on the same project for so long. But at the same time, I didn't want to take a complete break from coding.
And so, an idea was born...

I decided that UNDERBOARD will be my "break-project", something I can work on in the meantime of this break.
The existence of this project was teased many a time, until the "reveal" on April Fools (this post).
And since then, that's what I've been working on until now.
Time wasted?
During the development, I've posted a few updates on my Discord Server. Once in a while, I was approached by my followers asking why I am wasting my time on this. "What if it fails?" "That's not what people want." I always knew these questions would be asked; I should've informed you of my decisions (break, etc.) back then when I made up my mind. I regret not doing so.
UNDERBOARD made me grow as a programmer. I learned many new techniques, and I created a lot of technology that I will use for Undertale MULTIPLAYER.
The time was absolutely NOT wasted; everything I did will, and already did, help me in the development of UTMP. And what if it fails? It doesn't really matter to me. I did this to have a break, to learn, and to grow. And that I achieved.
An example...

One of the features I'm most proud of is Character Creation. In UNDERBOARD, you can create and customize your character as much as you want! You can make it look somewhat like you or create an ugly-looking alien.
This feature will FOR SURE appear in UTMP as well! It's something we never knew if possible, but thanks to my break I discovered that in fact, it is possible.
That's obviously not everything...
UNDERBOARD has many features that I can't wait for you all to finally see!
So, what is an "underboard"?
UNDERBOARD is an online app. Imagine Twitter - but in the world of UNDERTALE. The main point of the game is to create posts (text/image) and hope you're funny enough for people to like your posts.
For every like, you get one COIN. With coins, you can buy even more accessories for both your character and your posts!

When is it coming out?!
UNDERBOARD will release on 26th December 2023, no delays, no nothing.
What about Undertale MULTIPLAYER?
In the summer of this year, I already came back to work on UTMP here and there. The release of it is not that far either! It will obviously take some time, but right after UNDERBOARD is released, I am fully coming back from my break to finish this, once and for all.
I know I haven't been great with my promises, but this time things are different. UNDERBOARD went through many testing sessions, so this time, I am not publishing a half-baked product again.
We have some really good testers, and they help me find every single bug there is. Huge thanks to them...

But for now...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole team, especially @Napstalone , @kikioviolet229
, and @sharkuu
, who have helped me a lot with bringing all these projects to life with fabulous sprites and artwork!
And thank YOU! Thanks to all of you. For your patience, your understanding. We have big plans, and with these small steps one by one, we'll soon accomplish everything we always wanted to do.
tl;dr - I had a break, side project coming out on Christmas.