Funny how this time keeps slipping by, eh? Even after all this time I still haven't given up on this game - after coming back to it to make a let's play myself I've found out that, yeah, I was actually kinda cooking with Draconia. Probably my best (and only finished) game right now. Just has that vibe to it that my other projetcs, and, by extension, most other RPG Maker games don't have. Really hope I can recapture it once I eventually start making Draconia 2 - for now, though, I'm planning to go back to another old project of mine... But that's a tale for another day! Have the changelog for now:
MORE VOICE ACTING WAS ADDED! The lovable demonic illusionist Rakshasa as well as Endstad mayor, Nirnaeth, are now voiced by my good friend @Maken188295
- I've really liked the voices he gave them in his let's play so I asked him to record some lines and now they're in the game!
The game's icon has been updated to Shirley! How nice!
The Bards can now record music while in the Pyrus Complex, and with that, play new songs!
The Waygate to Upper Draconia now actually takes you to Upper Draconia instead of Endstad.
Fatima now actually has Ghostform.
Previously you could not pick the Bard class for any character beyond the first one as it made you stuck in a loop. Now it's fixed thanks to desp
You can now actually exit the Wizard's Tower.
Game_original has been removed from the folder so as to not arouse confusion.
There were some tiles that let you access the Wraith cliff in the Underground Sea via boat, that has been fixed.
The Labyrinth Walker now catches you automatically instead of when you interact with him.
The holes in the Underground Sea previously could be dug with a pickaxe instead of a shovel, now it works as intended.
Rogues now actually have Versatile Strike.
You could previously scale the wall to get the box in the tutorial, now you can't.
Increased the range of Mindflayer's Mind Blast.
Flick now has Mind Blast.
The jumping event at the beginning of the Pyrus Complex has been fixed.
The Ogres now have a 4-directional sprite.
Fixed passability for the rock piles in the caves.
Pyrus is now immune to fire damage and the On Fire effect.
Skull Guards no longer use fists when attacking you.
Pitt now disappears if you kill the Troglodytes after him.
Chopping trees at Nyderek's arena now works properly.
The shovel in the mine is pickable now.
Helm of Telepathy now provides immunity to Sleep.
The cat in the Catacombs is no longer a frog.
Fixed Vyers' cutscene in Sandmound.
Zehrax no longer sells Anti-Magic Shells.
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One who truly understands force does not rely upon force.