Hello, Level 8 Studio here, or at least, kind of the last time I use this name.
So, I want to start by apologizing for having those that were waiting for the game's (APM ALASKA INCIDENT) release, but sadly the project is cancelled.
The project was handled badly by my side, and I apologize for that, i should have organized it better and generally school kept me really occupied.
The second thing I wanted to announce is, as I said at the start of the post, that I will go by a new name and that I have, together with a friend of mine, founded another studio in which we will be making with the help of one another games in a more organized matter (as we are already working on projects), so it would be really supportive if you all followed it to keep being informed about what we are working on.
Another time, I apologize for the game's cancellation, and I promise that future projects will be far more organized.