Remember our over the top PowerPoint bowling game, “JayBowl: LUMINARIES”, in which the default mode delt out completely random scores, with twelve possible outcomes, including two types of strike animations?
Well, whilst thinking about how we’ve been so successful with creating a fully functional win and loss system in PowerPoint, as seen in “GIGA STREET FIGHTER II: The Final Round”, we thought, “Why don’t we combine the win conditions capabilities of GSF II, with the twelve output randomizer of LUMINARIES, to make a working RPG battle system, complete with the ability for characters to learn new moves; win or lose; attack, defend, and heal; and which would transpire differently for everyone who played it?”
“Wow! So You CAN Make A Real RPG In PowerPoint!”
Yep, ‘tis true! Not only that, but it is actually possible for the game to tell the result of each battle, and how that’ll affect the story. You can even make branching story elements, each of which could lead to a massive variety of possible events, which could either stray off to their own endings, or tie together to meet up for a grandeous ending to obliterate every single past conclusion in video game narrative history!
And that’s the beauty of using PowerPoint as a game engine. With the right controls, you really can make any kind of game you want! Sometimes it just takes a little patience and iteration,
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“to get to the place, to be all that we can be! Now’s the time, so we’re breakin’ free; ooh, we’re breakin’ free! Oh, oh! You know the world can see us, in a way that’s, different than who we, are.”
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