Fixed "Sweep Sweep Sweep" not unlocking.
Fixed Gotta Sweep being present at the start of Endgame.
Fixed situations where characters would all get clumped together.
Corrected Playtime's encounter cooldown.
Slowed Playtime's Chase Phase down.
"MAC_High_Hz_Fixes" has been added, the game should no longer just freeze because of RMMV's faults.
"FPSSyncOption" should now allow the game to run at normal speed on higher refresh rate monitors.
Other optimisation plugins have been added to provide a smoother gameplay experience.
Changed some trophy titles and their descriptions.
Fixed It's a Bully bugging out in Endgame.
Quarters on the map are now set to "Below" priority, meaning The Player, NPC's and Baldi won't get stuck on them.
The Player sprite has been changed to match the fanon protagonist instead of just being a default RM sprite.
Changed one of Baldi's Fourth Exit positions due to it causing potentially gamebreaking lag.
Updated the "Sock-etGames" Launch Screen.
This will likely be the last update before v2.0 is worked on light years from now, unless some other game breaking bug I'm unaware of pops up. Until then, full steam ahead with El Donte.