
11 months ago

Basically just made today a Database day, so here's a screenie of the player talking to the local fisherman

I should probably get my butt in gear about making some meaningful headway in the story. I have the napkin drawings as it were, just need to actually create the levels and rough in those logistics. A couple of things are bothering me, though:

  1. The follower is still messed up in its pathfinding and I don't understand why. But I've been fighting it so long that I'm a little burned out by it.

  2. I'd kind of like to get the battle initiatives set in and do some cleanup there. Also, battle animations. Also, more enemies than just the Sentry. Which means more art and animations, neither of which I am especially good at.

Or maybe I should just go ahead with the levels and get them roughed in, feel like I made some progress



Next up

Did some more work trying to fix up whatever went wrong and...yeah, let's just cut to the end where it didn't work

Started a new project, made some changes, derped around a little, made this cute little guy

Lots of modeling the last few days. Got some houses made, remade some of my terrain blocks (rebuilt the harbor), and started on the NPC models. Also worked on the battle system and the follower system, now with 1/10th the code but 10x more efficient


Version 1.1.0 is now available for Linux and Windows

-Platform bugs fixed where player fell through the floor

-Area 2 accessible through Level 8

-Minor spiffing up, wax and polish

The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!

Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!

Learn more 🔽

Decided to do some work on the save/load. Name, Chapter, and even Total Play Time CORRECTLY FORMATTED Will work on the chapter banners later. Free time formatting code below

Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!

The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game:

Thank you to everyone who entered!

Battle State Machine is working Player chooses what to do, enemies choose what to do, and they even have variable rates of attack/defend/flee. Next step will be to actually start dealing damage

Today's accomplishments include a rather smooth state machine, a functioning opening cutscene, and name input. It's not pretty, but there aren't any bugs

Congratulations to our INAYAH - Life After Gods quest winners!

The quests may be over, but you can still play the demo at

Learn more 🔽

Working on battles. A little different than last time, aesthetically, but still the same basic idea