And as of now Dyrt is officially in the "beta" status. And that means the following:
Basically the game should be pretty stable now. One bug that can occur halfway the game can still be nasty. I'm aware of it, and I hope I can get a workaround for that the upcoming week. Of course, this is also the moment in which most of the bugs can be discovered, as this is now the first official moment I actively recommend people to try the game, and you only know how well something works when the audience gets to play around with it. If there are any bugs you think I don't know about found, please visit my issue tracker and write a ticket about it, and I will see if I can address it A.S.A.P.
The Italian translation has been put on hold for now. This means that if you still have savegames in which the language has been set to Italian you can still play on, but you only cannot select it from the new game menu for the time being. The reason for this is simply because the current translation was an automated translation I only did for a friend. However he is willing to take a look at the scenario files in order to see if a proper Italian version can be created with that. No promises yet, but we're on the case.
I said it before, I only did this automated translation as the person I did it for was an official alpha tester before the first public alpha came to the public. I am not going to do any other automated translations. If you desire to make a human translation of the game of a language I don't know (the game is now in English and Dutch and with Italian in preparation), all I require is proper knowledge of the story (so play the game at least once from start till finish) and the language you wish to translate it to, but I guess that was obvious. Just let me know, and we'll see if we can discuss the details. This is a volunteer job, though... This is a project for which I didn't have a budget.
Except for fixing bugs you will find the time has almost come for me now to let this game loose. I already got another project up and running, and well it's about time I set this project out of my mind as I was getting tired of it. An official guide is still in the making, and once that guide has been completed, it's really over except for possible bugs to fix, but if those bugs are not crucial, I won't be in a hurry.
I've tried to make sure all typos and grammar errors were fixed prior to this point, but really, this is something you must never do yourself and always leave to others. Those "others" never volunteered, and as such, I can only hope they are all fixed, but I'm sure they aren't. Now I have no use for language gurus and grammar nazis. Those are in 100% of the cases just idiots who never did something right and think they can act big by pestering others about language. People who are actually willing to help me to get language errors fixed in order to get the game better than it already is (cough cough), are very welcome, It will be a volunteer job, though, as this was a project without a budget. If you want access to the actual language files in order to correct them, I do require that you have at least played the game from start to finish ONCE (and then I only mean the mandatory stuff... sidequests are bonus) to make sure you've actually understood what the story is about, and of course proper knowledge of the language you wish to correct.
The game is Windows only and requires .NET 4.8 to run. I haven't tried this game in Linux or Mac, however if you run the game in Mono, I think it should work, but those workouts will always be "unofficial". I won't stop you either to try the game in Wine, but basically the same story applies there. Bugs that are specific to running the game in Wine or Mono will therefore not be acted upon on my Bug Tracker. This also because I cannot check them as I do not have an up-to-date system running either Linux or Mac at my disposal. You are free to try, but you are on your own.
Well, enough boring talk... Enjoy the game, and if you like it, let me know. If you don't like it, well bring up a good explanation why, and if you can't explain, I won't care (sounds arrogant, but after having dealt with trolls as much as I have, you'd be the same, trust me), and if you find any bugs, use my issue tracker.
Have fun

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The downloads were scheduled to appear several days before publication. This was to make sure everything was alright. This devlog was scheduled to appear at the same time the first release appears. I can only manually take the game off "devlog-only" and only once the schedule is done... In other words, it's possible you don't see the download right away... A bit of a bummer in the Game Jolt system I suppose. If you don't see it after 24h this message got visual, then please gimme a shout so I can make sure you can see it. Future releases will not suffer here (naturally), or at least, likely not!