Five Nights at F**kboys: Ennard's Valiant Expedition
8 months ago

Big new update!

I know I said I was done, however some stuff still irked me that I wanted to finally get around to changing.

So here's a changelog:

Hard mode is now added. You can access it by starting a new game.

New Game+ is now added. You can get access to it by beating the game and getting to the bonus room.

SEVERAL trinket, armor, and skill rebalances. Probably too damn many to list, but it should be interesting. Mostly buffs.

Elemental damage modifiers were added. Some trinkets and equipment will now buff specific element damage or even your critical damage.

New graphics for Satori and Ennard.

The options menu has been replaced with a better one. You can now toggle autodashing, and faster battle animations. The audio volume adjusting now doesn't need to go into a battle first for it to take effect.

Fullscreen++ was added.

Text skipping was added. Hold Control to do so.

Several skill buffs.

BB has been buffed.

Batman was buffed.

Autolife doesn't nerf your stats into the ground anymore.

Anti-lag script added.

The Funny Nyx fight has been changed completely. Rip the funny.

Some passives were buffed on characters. Speaking of which, you can now view the specifics of those passives through the menu. They were pretty ambiguous, but now you can see them.

The old equip style menu was back, but it retains the visual aspect of still showing your gear as soon as you open the menu!

The Satori cutscene at the end of the dark route now has some voices.

Sunlord no longer has insane penis regen. though still a bit of it. go off kings.

If i forgot anything, someone will let me know-

However, if you want access to all these features, the game will have to be redownloaded, as it includes audio & graphics. DON'T WORRY, THIS WILL NOT BREAK YOUR SAVE.

Simply redownload the new build, and transfer your save files into it.

Have fun!



Next up

the eve comic #1

hi! it's been awhile, huh?

A BIG QOL fix for the game!

Cooking something cool

woah. has it really been 6 months????

Update for the curious people and thanks for your patience!

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

hi! surprise """new""" game!

New Information and screenshots!

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

Something people will eventually notice...