Da boi is getting brain-er
I have to say, even in my wildest dreams i would not have expected the Unity essential pathways to actually allow me to make these projects so goddamn easily once I knew what the hell i was doing.

In total, i have been able to create two projects :
- A racing course game where obstacles spawn at a random position in front of you, and where the car accelerates faster and faster as you complete loops.
- A top down survival shooter where you have to feed animals before they feed on you.
The first game was still with me having a half rotten brain and not even knowing what a goddamn function is, while the second is after getting a basic understanding of what the hell coding even is.
In other words, "Box Breaker" was another prototype to train me on what the hell am doing,
While "Food Munchers" is a near-full feature game you can actually play for yourself and enjoy as a mini-game of some sort.

The happiness i feel after having managed to successfully apply my twist on the prototype i was given, and then turn it into Food Munchers cannot be described.
Do note i go in depth on what i envisioned for the game, and succesfully managed to make, in the videos descriptions.
Furthermore, thanks to all of this prototyping, and learnanening and codadeding, I am finally starting to see how i could code in SotML's various systems by my own lonesome self.
..Which is a BIG CHANGE compared to staring at the coding programming while drowning like an idiot.

Soon, yes very soon i shall be able to turn my vision into reality. Hold on to your panties, 'cause this stuff is coming out soon i can tell you dat.
Side note, but you can actually play Food Munchers for yourself if you wanna : https://www.mediafire.com/file/5th63ouipqbm96l/Food_Munchers.zip/file
Have fun in case you do!
Controls :
- W/A/S/D or Z/S/Q/D to move.
- Left click to shoot
- Right click to swap Ammo
Stage last until the music ends (4min 15seconds)
Player has 5 HP
And with all of that having been said, i will see you on the Cz Studios channel in roughly two weeks.
And i do believe that, as i had planned, I will be able to start producing SotML's prototypes starting from there on out.
So see ya in two weeks!