Updated Breed Humans to 105 which has the following..!
Added a quick tutorial page;
Changed the menu page to show what levels can actually be unlocked;
Fixed a few crucial bugs and a few not so fussy bugs ;P
Thanks again!
Updated Breed Humans to 105 which has the following..!
Added a quick tutorial page;
Changed the menu page to show what levels can actually be unlocked;
Fixed a few crucial bugs and a few not so fussy bugs ;P
Thanks again!
Progress so far! Pretty excited for the next update, gonna add a few more mission levels and polish up what we’ve got so far but we thought we’d share a screenshot of the level select with you guys! Enjoy :)
Trade Packs and Geodes
Equipment update
2 years later
Loot Chests
a particle of an update!
Bandana Dee the Dream Friend
"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍
(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)