Looks like the devs are really hitting their stride. Let's see what they are working on this time!
Erin - This week, I’ve been working on some more animations that you’ll only see when playing multiplayer! Above is a little preview of what I’m working on, which is a tiny cutscene before you start the second day of the tutorial. The idea is that when you beam into the station, your space cat sneaks in too. Morv-O will find the sneaky cat hiding behind him and shoo him away. We’re always looking for more places to use the cat, so this was a fun chance to get him into a scene.
Lauren - It's been all about meet and greet the aliens this week on TikTok! I'm adding more humour to the videos and freshening them up with some facts about the aliens that many people didn't know! And I've been writing up plans this week for more fun activities to do on our Discord and get everyone involved! The other part of the week has been reaching out to some streamers interested in playing our demo and scheduling streams for the upcoming weeks!
Ian - This week is the start of playing through the multiplayer campaign! Currently I am up to the second boss and have found 59 bugs so far, which is around where I expected the number to be. These things involve small issues like “Controller recharge tip window stuck on if player changes control scheme mid day” and more ambiguous things like “How broken is the beauty capstone?” Finding all these issues is always a little overwhelming because it is a reminder on how much work you need to do, but once you start fixing them it actually feels really great to see the list get smaller and smaller. The image above is a small section of bugs that have already been fixed.
And that wraps up this week! Keep an eye out for future updates about what the devs are working on next.

4 years ago
Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!
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Cosmo's Weekly Update!
Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!
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Cosmo's Weekly Update!
Cosmo's Weekly Update!
Cosmo's Weekly Update!
Cosmo's Weekly Update!
Cosmo's Weekly Update!
COSMO'S QUICKSTOP OUT NOW!! Feel the fast-paced thrill of managing a gas station IN SPACE! Upgrade services, please alien customers, and complete your chores through minigames that add up to a hilariously frantic experience with solo or couch co-op play!
Cosmo's Weekly Update!