4 years ago

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Ian - This week has been a big push to get the multiplayer campaign done. Erin and I just finished our second playthrough and are feeling very good about the balance of everything. We hit a major stumbling stone earlier this week over one of our bosses. It was simply not fun in two-player. Luckily after a lot of discussion we were able to redesign the boss’s “fight” patterns without changing the mechanics. We didn’t even need to write any code! Our first playthrough of the new boss had us laughing, strategizing, and super engaged (That is always a good sign when you have been making the same game for almost 5 years). The last challenge of the multiplayer campaign is the final boss, which we will be testing later today. Here is a gif from us playing through multiplayer this week.

Erin - My week has mostly been filled with playing through the multiplayer campaign with Ian! It’s seriously been so great working out the kinks and figuring out balance. One of the things Ian and I bond over is talking about what would make game experiences better, so it’s been so much fun dissecting this together. When Ian was busy fixing surprise bugs, I spent some time making this animation, which you’ll see during the final boss.

Bryan - More options menu shenanigans! This time I’m setting up a key rebinding menu which is a lot of work for a game like Cosmo’s. Not only do basic interactions and movements need to be considered, but all the inputs for almost 20 minigames need to be adjustable as well. Instead of a mile long list of commands, we decided to separate them by page to make it more manageable for us to build and less daunting for players to navigate.

Lauren - This week was round two for choosing a name for our new fish character in Cosmo's Quickstop. We have three favourites Norf, Fleeb and Qurblerb. We can't wait to see what you chose from the online voting. I've also been setting up more tracking analytics to see where all of your human-like faces are coming from!



Next up

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Update!

Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

COSMO'S QUICKSTOP OUT NOW!! Feel the fast-paced thrill of managing a gas station IN SPACE! Upgrade services, please alien customers, and complete your chores through minigames that add up to a hilariously frantic experience with solo or couch co-op play!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!