4 years ago

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Let's see what the devs have been working on this week!

Erin - I’m excited to be working on something that’s a big change of pace - some commercials and programs for Morvin’s TV! Normally, I work only in 3D character animation, but this little project is going to let me explore more 2D/handdrawn skills. Below, you’ll see part of a Bloopo commercial I’m finishing up. In the game, you’ll find Bloopos stocked in the vending machine - a tasty treat for the alien on-the-go. Let’s hope our commercial will boost those sales! I’ve got a big list of ideas for commercials and programming to create - hopefully I’ll have more to share on that next week!

Bryan - This week, I’ve been mostly focused on putting together boring UI stuff like the pause screen and options menu. When my mind gets too numb from these tedious tasks I like to have some more interesting side work to fall back to. One such side project is developing another fun, interactive element for Morvin’s room -- an alien aquarium! Here’s a little critter I made for it this week, with plenty more to follow.

Lauren - This week I've been making some new videos for Tiktok and showing off new animations. I've also been deep-diving into alien lore! I've been scoping out the main evil boss in the game, and showing off player two. Also, I've been networking on Twitter and reaching out to more developers through indie dev tags, showing off our game and seeing their games, which has been super fun!

Ian - This week we wrapped up our first co-op playthrough the campaign (sans the final boss). We had a ton of fun playing and it was really great to be reminded about how amazing the game is, especially in multiplayer. Our biggest task is to now analyze all our notes/bug issues and find where we need to tweak the balance of the game. We definitely have noticed the multiplayer was still making too much money compared to single player, so that is our first major spot to look at. Getting all these numbers just right is always tricky but you just have to keep tweaking until you find the perfect spot. Here is a little glimpse at one of our spreadsheets that control some of these numbers!



Next up

Cosmo's Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

COSMO'S QUICKSTOP OUT NOW!! Feel the fast-paced thrill of managing a gas station IN SPACE! Upgrade services, please alien customers, and complete your chores through minigames that add up to a hilariously frantic experience with solo or couch co-op play!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!