4 years ago

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Ian - Last week was about finding bugs, this week was about fixing them! One of the things that had to get done was to set up a transition between the single cutscene camera into the split screen game cameras during the start of the tutorial. For the opening tutorial cutscene, we have a camera pan around showing off the characters and the station. In the end it should swap to the gameplay camera seamlessly, which is how it is set up in singleplayer. Multiplayer was tougher. We had to go from one camera to two cameras, somehow split the screen in that process, and get the UI in there too! Here you can see a gif of what that transition ended up looking like. It isn’t quite perfect yet but is certainly good enough for now.

Erin - Sometimes animation happens very easily and naturally, but other times it takes a lot of effort. This animation went through like 15 bad phases before it landed in this direction. First, we tried having the cat hiding behind Morv-O and he shoo’d the lil guy away. Then later, we tried having the cat hanging off the robot’s back, but the cat is gigantic, so none of the robot’s acting was reading well. Anyway, we got here eventually! And I, for one, am glad this one’s finished. You’ll be able to see this animation in the game during the multiplayer tutorial.

Bryan - *Minor Spoilers Ahead*

This week I’ve been fleshing out some effects for the final showdown with Cosmo’s nemesis, Dr. Quazar. Throughout the fight, Quazar can zap the player’s Quickstop, causing one of the docks to malfunction until the player repairs it. To really drive the point home, I’ve been adding all sorts of chaotic FX to signify a broken dock. Fire, arcing electricity and even a holographic Quazar shows up to mock the player’s struggle. We want this final challenge to feel really epic and I think these effects will help a lot.

And that wraps up this week! Keep an eye out for future updates about what the devs are working on next.



Next up

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!

COSMO'S QUICKSTOP OUT NOW!! Feel the fast-paced thrill of managing a gas station IN SPACE! Upgrade services, please alien customers, and complete your chores through minigames that add up to a hilariously frantic experience with solo or couch co-op play!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Quickstop Weekly Update!

Cosmo's Update!