9 years ago

Crowtel Preview

A sneak peek at an upcoming, adorable platformer

My good friend Sink makes very cute games and she has been working on another cute one called Crowtel for about 8 months now and I got the pleasure to try it out!

In crowtel you play a crow with a hotel. One day the “HEALTH INSPECTOR CATS” show up and you have to go through your hotel and clean it up for inspection!


As crow you shoot little music notes to knock out bugs and fix other problems in the hotel. It’s adorable and feels really good. The platforming is really nice with a bit of challenge and I absolutely love the simple and cute designs of the enemies and world.


You will explore the floors of your hotel. Each one having a unique and fun theme. Like laundry. Watch out for the giant ball of dirty clothes!


The demo took me through most of the game, leaving out only the last floor of the hotel. My favorite part was on the haunted floor. Its has some really clever puzzles that I had a lot of fun figuring out. The demo ended after a very rad and challenging boss fight.

Crowtel is charming and full of bright colors and fun! I cannot wait to try out the full game. Sink is aiming for an October release. Until then, here’s a gif of me fighting a boss!


#preview #crowtel

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