10 years ago

Free Game Grab Bag

Great free games for you to play

98% of the time I am broke. Since I am broke a lot I play a lot of free games. So here I’m going to toss you some really cool free games I played recently!

Games on Game Jolt

Most of the games I play nowadays are on Game Jolt. In fact I even put together a blog spotlighting really cool games that I found on there called Game Jolt Gems! So here are some cool games I’ve played on Game Jolt.

Tightrope Theatre


Tightrope Theatre is a platformer by developer AdventureIslands. I’m a big fan of AdventureIslands’ games, I even featured a few on Game Jolt Gems. In the game you play a unicyclist going through increasingly dangerous levels to reach the spotlight. The platforming in Tightrope Theatre is really solid. It’s a balance between slippery and responsive that feels perfect for someone riding a unicycle. There are 24 levels in the game too, which is outrageous considering it was made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare! It’s really fun go play it!



Another game made for Ludum Dare, Rockrocket is a platformer by Theodore Pirpiroglou. In Rockrocket you just have the one screen to explore, trying to find everything you need to escape this cave. The game’s really mysterious and atmospheric. Go check it out!

Not Everything Is Flammable


NEIF is a game from DAM. NEIF has you control a flame as you jump from object to object burning up everything in your path. Like it says in the name, not everything in the game is flammable, but more things become flammable as you up your score. The game is a blast to play over and over trying to see how high a score you can get. My highscore is $11693. Beat that.

Games on Itch.io

Itch.io is a great place that you may not know about. It’s a place where developers can easily put their games up for purchase. It’s great and filled to burst with really awesome and creative games. So here’s a few games from there!

[Adams Drive 32](http://primaerfunktion.itch.io/adams-drive-32 )


Adams Drive 32 is a stealth fps that was made for 7DFPS 2014. You have to sneak through a building with only 8 bullets in your gun. Shoot orange people and steal loot. The game is really neat. Plus the feeling when you shoot people in Adams Drive 32 is so good. Go play it!

[Roguelight](http://managore.itch.io/roguelight )

also on gamejolt


Roguelight is gorgeous. It’s a platformer that uses some really cool lighting effects and some roguelike mechanics. You wander around in the dark shooting your flaming arrows to kill enemies and light your way. Through the game you collect coins which can be used after you die to level up your character. The game also has killer music and sounds. Go check it out!



Petrichor is the smell of rain. Petrichor is also an adventure game where you control a person in a forest during a rain storm. The game is very pretty and strange. You learn new abilities and progress through finding notes and drying them at a fire. It is recommended in the read me file that you play the game in fullscreen, with headphones, in the dark. I recommend that too, with the fantastic sounds and music its very easy to get immersed in this game. Go play it!

My favorite thing about Itch.io is that a lot of the games on there are name your own price. Including Petrichor and Roguelight. So if you got some extra cash consider giving it to these awesome devs and their awesome games!




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