Cynthia Johnson
6 years ago

Current status, almost there

The game is almost done, however a few things need to be looked at:

  • 2 more puzzles are going to be added

    • 1 of these will be a kind of “boss” as far as that can exist in a puzzle game, this will require some extra coding and brainstorming sessions

  • Some of the used assets do require me to put the credits in-game. The only reason why that requirement was not yet filled is because the game’s still in alpha, all documentation cover this properly though. I always use automated generators based on some data files I use to build the project. Because Cynthia Johnson will be the first and very likely the last game to be written in Love2d plus the entire UI framework I set up for that (BallPlay Cupid is also written in Love, but the UI framework was back then not fully worked out and therefore not used), I do need to set up a different generator for that.

  • A bug I suffered during development should only be the result of some issues only I could face as the game’s developer, however a full playthrough once the game is ready should confirm that. If that bug has a different reason, it’ll need to be fixed, as it was a rather crucial one.

  • Now I do have a pretty clever friend, who is quite good in turning my puzzle concepts upside down, in order to check if the puzzles I set up work the way they should. A glitch that came up (a real glitch, not a bug, as this was not a coding error, but rather a design error), lead to pretty odd results during his tests. However, I’ve decided to turn that into a feature, and trust me, you won’t get past the Atlantis and Yahlevania puzzles when you don’t fully exploit that one. This is a puzzle game after all. However back when he performed his tests, the Atlantis and Yahlevania puzzles were not completely done, so I may require his assistance another time, however his schedule may be against this, so I may have to do without this….

Especially thanks to the latter point I cannot yet give an ETA. I also need to note that I was under surgery to have my gall bladder removed 2 weeks ago, and although I’m recovering rather quickly, I don’t want to push my limits while I’m still in the “official” recovery term. And of course, I also have duties IRL. The fact that I’m no longer a moderator, will hardly give me more time, because, believe it or not, despite the tons of work I did as a moderator I only spend 1% of my time each day on moderator duties, so don’t you dare to bring that one up. When there are no notable setbacks, the 2 puzzles should be done soon, but the actual release is always a bit of a mystery, as you’d be surprised how many last minute setbacks, you wouldn’t even think about, and you didn’t even imagine in your wildest fantasies they could happen, always pop in at the last moments. I always hate that stage of game production for that reason, but I guess it comes with the territory.

A few notes for Mac Users:
When I began this project I was a mac user, however I switched to Windows 10 when I was working on the Atlantis puzzles. Now it’s easy to set up a Mac version of Love games, so I will still create this version. Please note though that the game requires OpenGL, which Apple deprecated for Mac since Mojave (the final mistake for Apple to make me decide to ditch Mac, as for me Mac died with Steve Jobs, as Apple has gone completely beyond stupidity ever since Steve’s death), and knowing Apple it’s gonna be removed in the first version coming after that, meaning the game won’t run on Mac anymore. This is Apple’s stupidity not mine, and I won’t follow suit. First of all, that would be impossible as Love doesn’t support Metal, and if it ever will Love also made some changes that are downright imbecile, meaning the game won’t work on Love-versions that are Metal compatible. I have no interest to dig in somebody else’s C code to fix that. And besides, Love was only a temporary solution from the start for me. Since I now have to pack the files from Windows, there are possibilities the ‘x’ attribute (which Windows doesn’t support) can get in the way… However I do have Linux in a VM at the ready to get around that ;)

Linux will never be officially supported. Linux is first of all a disaster with everything. Don’t bring up that I shouldn’t insult Linux because of millions of people worked on it, as that is the main reason of all the mess. The Love version Cynthia Johnson requires is outdated, and outdated dependencies (which Love will then be) can cause conflicts with newer versions, and I don’t wanna sort that mess out. Since my Linux runs in a VM, I cannot properly test the game either. Let’s say, if you can get the game to work on Linux, fine, but I don’t want to waste my time and efforts on that. Sorry about that. May sound a bit unprofessional, but I must be frank, as I already have an overloaded schedule, plus my medical recovery to worry about. and Linux ain’t worth it.



Next up

Killing only brings you so far!

BallPlay future

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

Status update

Why do people wanna be a #moderator? Is it really such a #cooljob?

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?


A few facts and fables about fire.

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED