Home Grown
2 years ago

Devlog 9: Balancing my games' development

I'm now balancing my focus between Six Hours with a Box and Home Grown, then SHAD: R as a low-priority side project, meaning I will be writing shorter devlogs with more time between them, probably one devlog every two to three weeks if I have enough progress.

I'd also like to mention that Alpha 3 will be the last update (for a while) that focuses on the open-world aspect, and the rest of the Alpha stage will focus on all limb-farming aspects. If you read the description, you might notice I'm making the Beta stage revolve around the survival and open-world parts of the game, this is mainly because I want the Alpha to be where I balance the game's core mechanic, limb-farming, and the Beta to be where I spice things up and make it fun, the release will be when I feel the game as a whole is in a stable state then I add the final areas and mechanics of the game.

Anyway, back to the devcave!



Next up

Alpha 2.3 (changelog): The calm before the storm...

gonna publish a new devlog soon...


Devlog, Beta 1.0-pre5: The True Beginning of Beta Devlogs!

"Many ask me: 'Do you feel remorse for these deaths?'

But I ask, what's a few more for a world without it?"

Alpha 3.0 (changelog): The Final Alpha Update

Thank you for inspiring me to create, Scott Cawthon.

And happy 10th Anniversary to Five Nights at Freddy's


Hey, it's my birthday! And since I'm already getting some stuff from my family, I thought I'd give you all something

(if you like game music, check Six Hours at Diddle's page)

Beta Devlog 1.0-Pre6: Reanimating Corpses

The second track of Six Hours at Diddle's OST, "Grim Sounds", is now on the Game Page

Devlog 2: Out of GameJam Phase!