The Horde: Revitalized
7 years ago


So in this devlog post I thought I would answer a couple questions some of you might have about this page.

-Why does this page exist, I thought you would have made it public right before a demo?
—Well, why not? I am on break. Another reason why is that I felt that if I didn’t make this gamejolt page public soon enough, there would be a chance that this page might have never saw the light of day. (This would be the case if it were to be cancelled, though.) I already feel like FNaF doesn’t have too much of a lifespan left before it completely dies off the rest of the way, so why not make this page public now?

-Is this Project: Revitalized?
—Yes, yes it is.

-Why is there already one screenshot of the game?
—I’m actually putting together the game as I get more of the graphics and sound files done this time, instead of just getting all of the stuff for a frame of the game ready and then programming it all together. And two measly teasers aren’t going to really showcase anything worthwhile.

This one’s fairly important:
-Is there going to be an android port?
—No, the game will more than likely have too much going on when completed to even think about making an android port that’s anywhere near stable enough to release without taking large portions and either changing them drastically or removing them entirely. This is planned to be a fairly large game, and I feel like an android port would just be complete trash, no matter what anyone did about it.

So that’s all of the questions I feel needed to be answered before I get lots of comments asking these questions, and having to answer them all individually. Hope to see you all when I’m back from my little break.



Next up

Since my computer's still broke and I can't update the game currently, I thought I'd share one of the journal pages that doesn't display properly for a level in N4.

Also if softlocks potentially occur, you can go back to the main menu by pressing ENTER.

Average The Horde: Revitalized player...

Funni TH:R meme:

Some preview screenshots of how the hints system will LIKELY look in game. There's also a setting to disable the hints entirely, but they'll be enabled on a fresh save. (Or if the save-data Difficulty parameter is 0, which is the same as a fresh save.)

Lefunni Chompling Memes (I made these in 30 minutes, from random effects in Paint Net)

Not really related to any projects, but I did some doodling/graphic making out of boredom. Here's a WIP, just in case if any final designs I end up using for something later:

Here's another one of the tip pages, to show that I'm not ded lmao:

Release Candidate 1 of the new update has been publicly released. Merry late Christmas, I decided to release what I have at the moment for people to play, and there's a questionnaire link below to suggest changes.

Rick Ballin'

Cik Bukkit Kross 2017 Horde 3 moment REEL FOUN PIKCTURE HOLE CRAEP!! KROES SEGPONY REEL!!!!