Countless Army
5 months ago

Hotfix 1.1.3

Today the version 1.1.3 of Countless Army is released, a little hotfix to the biggest errors that you all reported.

This one is focused on fixing the bugs that could make the game crash or that don’t allow you to play the game correctly. I’m reading everything you write and taking notes of the faults, even the ones that are little to fix them, but I’m doing it in order. I’m also reading all of your opinions and shortly I’ll post a new notice talking about the things the version 1.2 will bring. I’ve readed a lot of good ideas!

So, let’s see the changes and errors fixed:


  • I’ve changed the way the game is compilated, this should make it be better optimized, allowing it to work in each dispositive and give less non consistent errors.

  • The speed x8 that unlocks in the end game has been changed to x 6. The x8 made a lot of error(is still in test, it can give some errors but less than the x8)


  • The drake has an error when you summoned it, making everything after it to not be summoned.

  • The necromancer had the CD wrong when you summoned it.

  • The drake icon wasn’t visible in the upgrades from the conquerable buildings.

  • In the capital of the kingdom 2 the 2nd runic camp was conquered when the troops walked over the route on it.

  • A visual bug where the shields appears under the troop

  • The tutorial sometimes crashed on the first wave.

  • The necromancer could make the game crash if he made a summon when he entered to conquer a building.

  • The mass could crash the game if died when he entered a building.

  • The tutorial didn’t get the golden skull if you have the map in 100%(don’t worry, if you get the golden skill in the other maps the tutorial one will change to gold for the achievement of getting all the maps to 100%)

  • Sometimes when you realize any action in an invasion the wave sign could disappear making it impossible to start a new wave.

  • The troops count to win a map could be negative

  • The dragon could die in the defense “trench” of one hit

Again, thanks a lot to all for reporting the bugs and for adding suggestions, it helps me a lot!



Next up

Launch of version 1.1.0!

Getting Closer to Update 1.3.0!

Things 1.2.0 will bring

Halloween has arrived in Countless Army!

1.3.0 is here!

Patch notes 1.3.0

More animations!

Valentine's Day has arrived in Countless Army!

New skins!

What’s Coming in 1.3.0