This is beta footage. New laboratory environment is being created and some kind of boss fight will be in the next update. The explosive barrel beta is available right now on the games page.
This is beta footage. New laboratory environment is being created and some kind of boss fight will be in the next update. The explosive barrel beta is available right now on the games page.
Insectoid Descent, November 2021 Devlog, Lots of Cool Stuff (Looking for Testers/Tubers)
Who is GREEN™ - How the Insectoids Escaped
Our game has been updated, MFA is now public.
Bullet Casing Ejection Physics - POWPOWPOW, YEAHH!!!
Two variations for dead guards in a top-down shooter game
After Three Years, the Player Wall Collisions are FIXED!!!!!!!!
3 YouTube Creators Tried our Game!
New Shiny Lab Tiles in the Genome Lab with Lights
Tales of the Game Dev