Star Story
4 years ago

A little view on the new version of Star Story
#preview #starstory #newversion #remake #wip

(please read full article for some clarifications)


Well, here I'm showing the game the way it is so far, so you can compare the old version with the new. A few things to take in order:

  • The game is still W.I.P. so it's not yet a full representation of what it will be, many things can still be changed based on what may be needed to improve things.

  • You may see the enemy is not fighting back. That is because the enemy's AI has not yet been implemented.

  • Please note, this is a remake, the downloadable games now are the OLD games. I guess playing them now (if your computer can take them as that is something an issue) may allow you to compare the two, eh?

  • The debug screen you can see near the end of the video is of course blocked in the beta and stable releases, so don't ask me about that, okay?

Now the combat engine will likely require most of the work, as that's always the most complicated part of the game. Once that works, rescripting all maps should go pretty fast.



Next up

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Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame