Dragonian: The Imbalance of Sierr
1 year ago

I don't know why, but I've been thinking about releasing that Tales of the Wind Fish fanfic, which led to me making this game.

Don't know if that's a good idea, but I've been thinking it.



Next up

As a writer, you learn to just make stuff up. As a science-fiction writer, you justify the stuff you just make up.

"Derma" is related to "skin", and "myo" is related to "myoelectric prosthesis".

I got the keyboard and gamepad input-changing in here.

Try to keep track of the difference between using strings (for the labels on each key) and using actual variables (how the game interprets inputs).

I know. It looks pretty much the same as before. I just needed the motivation to do more with it.

...and an excuse for all sorts of robots at a convention to be attacking Pinafore, specifically.

When you don't know about copyright laws when it comes to fonts, you either take a chance, or make your own.

Of course, in the world of sprite art, that doesn't leave many options.

Possible default protagonists, Charlie (guy with hat) and Bonnie (girl with dress). Using a similar palette, because I can.

I would alter the faces, but I like appeal, and without the pixel-noses, they'd look like chibis at that size.

Well, I was looking through some old files, and found some cool stuff.

Concept art time!

Early on, Tiel had a backpack because in the fic she was originally created for, she was going on an adventure along with Rick. That's why I was kinda attached to her.

Strangely enough, of all the games I've made .exes of, this is the one that STILL works on my current computer. And sometimes, I realize I made some poor decisions in game design with this one.

Due to top-down levels working a little differently, it took me a bit to get motivated to program and animate Pinafore in five directions. (Three of these directions are mirrored for a total of eight.)

Unfortunately, that's the easy part.

...let me be honest, the convention level isn't working well as a platformer.

So, I think I should add top-down sections. The combat would work about the same. I think you shouldn't jump in top-down mode, so sliding will take its place there.