The Horde: Revitalized
6 years ago

I've kinda returned from hiatus

Hey guys, it’s been almost a month already, huh. I kinda got bored of the side project for the time, so I’ve decided that it might be best for me to alternate between the two whenever I feel bored of one. This might not speed up development of this game in particular, but I feel like it might things somewhat productive. I know that it’s stupid that i’ve just stopped this project for a while time and time again, but I just keep losing motivation for the game. But there are days where I still get things done with the project, so i’m not cancelling the game. I won’t give up on this THAT easily. And I don’t want to force myself to really crank on through the game, because I fear that the game wouldn’t be as good as if I took my time with it.

Besides, i’ve made some more progress (although a lot of this new progress is just animation redesigns where I felt they were needed. I’ve re-animated the turning around animation to have motion blur (thanks to me downloading Paint.Net,) as well as re-animating the panel-flipping animations as well. I’ve even trimmed those ones from around 15-16 frames down to 5, and managed to make them look better (Once again, Paint.Net… I LOVE it, helped me do things with certain animations that I previously couldn’t.) I will give an example or two down at the bottom of this post to showcase what I mean by this.

From here on out it should be making the rest of the cameras, adding in the two extra threats for Night 1, programming all of the AI for Night 1, and programming in all of the other features for the main night base mechanics. I know Night 1 is taking a REALLY long time, but it should be fairly easy weather from there up until a certain point (with the main nights, that is.)

As promised, here’s the gif animation comparision:




Next up

Rick Ballin'

Lefunni Chompling Memes (I made these in 30 minutes, from random effects in Paint Net)

I've released a demo showcasing a bunch of proposed changes for the updated version of the game; namely a complete overhaul of the heating mechanic. There's also a Google Form for after you play the demo build, to give feedback.

Some preview screenshots of how the hints system will LIKELY look in game. There's also a setting to disable the hints entirely, but they'll be enabled on a fresh save. (Or if the save-data Difficulty parameter is 0, which is the same as a fresh save.)

Average The Horde: Revitalized player...

Luce-Man is the best video game ever made and no one can argue otherwise! The writing is top tier, and I was crying when he said it was "Hordin' time" and Hord'ed Bob Wazowski ded. Truly a work of art.

The teeth used by a poopy-eating bucket helmet... Terrifying. So this is what an HDR Kick Bucket Cross' teeth would look like...

Release Candidate 1 of the new update has been publicly released. Merry late Christmas, I decided to release what I have at the moment for people to play, and there's a questionnaire link below to suggest changes.

Since my computer's still broke and I can't update the game currently, I thought I'd share one of the journal pages that doesn't display properly for a level in N4.

Also if softlocks potentially occur, you can go back to the main menu by pressing ENTER.

Cik Bukkit Kross 2017 Horde 3 moment REEL FOUN PIKCTURE HOLE CRAEP!! KROES SEGPONY REEL!!!!